Wednesday 23 November 2011

microprocessor previous question papers for diploma

Time : 3 Hours]                                                               [Total Marks: 100
PART-A    10*4=40
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions and each question caries four marks. (2) Answers should be brief and straight to t the point and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
1.    Define the concept of multiplexing in microprocessor.
2.    Draw flag register of 8086
3.    Draw the diagram of DRAM.
4.    Define the instruction execution time.
5.    List the sources of interrupt in 8086
6.    Define procedure of macro’s
7.    Define DMA data transfer.
8.    What do you mean by “parallel Data communication”?
9.    Write any four features of Pentium-IV
10. Differentiate between real mode and protected virtual addressing modes

PART-B                                              5*12=60
Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions and each question caries twelve marks. (2) The Answers should be comprehensive and criteria for valuation is the Content but not the length of the answer.

11. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of 8086
12. (a) explain the types of instruction formats. (b) classify the semiconductor memory
13.  (a) explain any six processor/machine control instructions (b) explain the concept of interfacing SRAM and EPROM.
14. (a) explain the levels of programming. (b) explain the classification of interrupts
15. Draw and explain the interfacing of 8259A with 8086
16. Draw and explain the functional block diagram of 8251A- USART.
17. Draw and explain the architecture of 80386 Microprocessor.
18. Draw and explain the architecture of 80486 Microprocessor